progressive Interview , progressive band talk Michael Vescera: Life after Yngwie |
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Interview |
Sorry, but I don't know a lot of things about your person - you worked with Yngwie, but what more? Please tell me something about your history as an artist!
Well, before Yngwie I was the lead vocalist for the Japanese rock group Loudness. I did two studio records and one live record with them. Previous to that I was the singer for New York based metal band "Obsession". We recorded three records.
Are there earlier solo releases? What about the label, the success?
Windows and Animation are the only solo releases for me so far. The label seems to be doing a good job and the records have been received really well by the press and fans.
Why MVP is an project - is it easier for you to work with different artists than with an fixed band?
It's actually a lot more difficult to do a project thing than a fixed band situation. I have so many friends that are great guitar players and I'm fortunate enough to have them play on my records.
Will you present the new material during a tour?
I most likely will. I hope to tour in Europe soon. We are speaking with some promoters now and trying to put something together.
How did you come in touch with your current label?
We had heard a lot of good things about Z and Mark Alger. We contacted them, submitted some material and here we are.
How would you like to develop in the future? Do you think about changing your style?
I don't really think about style so much. I just write what I feel at the time. I will continue to record and tour as much as possible. And hope for more success with every record
Is there a most important event in your artistic history?
Not any one event. Just being able to do this and be successful is the most important.
What about your success in different countries?
It varies from country to country. Europe and Japan are my main fan base as well as South America. The U.S. is difficult for this type of music but seems to be getting better.
What do you think about the situation of your musical genre in the presence and what will change in the future?
I think it's getting more popular again thru-out the world. It's definitly much better accepted here in the states now. I think musical style just goes around in circles. It always seems to come back, maybe in slightly different style but it always comes back around.
How would you see the relation between music and lyrics? Some musicians don't care about the lyrics, others understand the music as a vehicle to fit the lyrics....
I usually write the music first and feel from the music what I want to write about. I think both are equally important, the lryics should tell a story.
Are you satisfied with your career so far?
Yes. I've been very fortunate so far. I've had the oportunity to play with some the greatest musicians in the world, for this sort of music.I've also had a lot of succes, more so than most musicians which I'm very thankful for.
What kind if compromises would you make to push your career?
I'm not sure, not to many. I like to stick to my guns with what I do. I would do anything in the way of touring and that sort of work, but musically I wouldn't compromise.
How would you describe the development between the new record and the record before?
I was still singing with Yngwie while recording "Windows". I needed to do something a little different. With "Animation" I went back to my roots which are a heavier style.
Not a lot of time between Windows and Animation - you must be an workaholic....
I'm constantly working. I also produce while I'm not recording my own stuff. We had to build a studio here in Connecticut to accomodate all the work I do.
Much more artists involved on the new record than on Windows - pure chance or intention?
Pure chance. As I said earlier, I have lot of friends that are great musicians and they are always willing to play on my records. I'm very lucky in that area.
On Windows you worked with Yngwie, now with Roland Grapow - on each record one star an must?
No not really. It just worked out that way.
Can you tell me something of the process of creating the new record? Were there any problems or went everything well?
Everything went very well. I was very busy during the recording with a few other things as well (Roland Grapows's "Kaleidescope") and other productions, so it was a little crazy but it turned out great.
Where did you get your inspiration?
From many things. Happenings in the world, personal experiences.
What about the Beatles cover on "Windows"?
Strawberry Fields is something that's sort of an anthem for MVP. When I first did shows in the beginning of MVP we would do that version. The crowds would go absolutely crazy for it, so we decided to put on "Windows".
How would you describe your relation to new media as internet, virtual reality, mp3...
Well, owning a studio I'm very aware of it. I think it's cool as long as it's handled correctly. You have to stay on top of what's going on with technology.
So you could make a choice, with which band would you like to play live on stage, for example as support?
I think right now I would have to say Iron Maiden. They have such a huge following it would be great to play to thier fans and have the opportunity to make them my fans as well.
So you could have the possibility to make this record again. Would you change anything?
I don't think so. There's so many different things you can do when recording a record that you always think maybe there's something I can do better, and that can make you crazy. But I'm very happy with the outcome of this record.