Political lyrics and a bold historical person
Sorry, but I dont know a
lot of things about Magellan. I know your CDs - and I like
them, but thats all I know. So at first a standard
Magellan was the first band
signed to Magna Carta records back in 1991.We finished a demo
earlier that year which included "Union Jack" and the
label liked it. Wayne and I had studied through our school years
together.I continued on through college taking music theory and
playing trombone.It was later (1985) that I began to compose and
took up keyboards as a vehicle to write songs.
There was a long time between
the second CD and Test of wills. So what have you done?
We spent a long time putting
together our own recording studio.Our goal for future projects is to
turn them out very quickly.
You released some songs for the
Magna Carta tribute samplers. What do you think about such samplers?
I learned so much from the
experience of rearranging other's music.I have a whole new level of
respect for it.
What about the name of the band?
What do you like in the historical person of Magellan?
The Metaphor is perfect for a
band like Magellan.It suggests that there is always room for
exploration and discovery.If you read about Magellan you will find
that he was a very bold and interesting individual.
What about the line up changes?
I think you are working now with a human drummer (why?)
but without a bass player (again: why?). It seems as it must be
difficult to get a complete human rhythm section!
Wayne played Bass this time.I
think you will see Hal again on future albums.
You are using a trombone -
sometime I think its not really a trombone, its a crazy
keyboard. A trombone is not a typical instrument in progressive
Trombone was my primary
instrument of proficiency through school.I loved bands with horns
like Chicago.
The flute solo must be a relict
from the Jethro Tull tribute...
Actually Ian Anderson has agreed
in principle to do a solo for us at some point.The flute solo
represents one of the many styles I have learned to write in. Stan
Johnson did the solo.He is the same person who played with us on the
Jethro Tull tribute.
What about the influence of
other artists to you? Do you care about the progressive scene of the
presence? Are you in touch with other prog bands?
Actually,I have become very out
of touch and am busy trying to improve our material.
How are the reactions of the
people in your neighbourhood to your music?
The USA is a slow market but is
beginning to warm up.Our best markets are Japan and certain parts of
Europe.Magellan loves Germany!!!
Tell me something about the
lyrics! On the second CD is a song about the military putch in
Chile. I think you not agree with the things your government
commanded? Are you a political band? (I hope you are!) Are there any
political themes on the new CD also?
Our lyrics have had political
overtones,but usually I just write what I feel, regardless of the
direction. People should check out the albums several times over as
there are many layers to the writing that can't be picked up in 1 or
2 listens.
Are you also a live band? Will
you present the new material during a tour?
Magellan will perform live when
it makes financial sense to do so.I hope your readers will pick up
extra copies of the album! One for Mom! The same would apply for
other marketing.
What is the best thing in
musical business? And - on the other side - what is the worst thing?
The best thing is the occasional
chance to get something right without money(or lack of it) getting
in the way.The worst thing is facing the reality of trying to make a
living in a marketplace so full of albums that yours is just one
more heap on a huge pile of crap.
Is there a most important event
in the history of the band?
Our current project with Terry
Bozzio,Billy Sheehan and others... currently untitled as a special Magna Carta
How would you like to develop in
the future? Do you think about changing your style? For example
working with orchestra....
I fully intend on making each
album different.We have to grow musically,otherwise it would get too
boring!!!!! I recently picked up the Finale notation software....mmm how about those cellos?